We’ve expanded Attendance Permissions!
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  • We’ve expanded Attendance Permissions!

    March 11, 2021

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve revamped Attendance Permissions to work more efficiently for your staff!

    First, Attendance Permissions for staff members have been updated for the Attendance views in the Classes page as well as from the Staff Portal. The new permissions allow you to customize access to include the below permission settings.

    Attendance Permissions

    • “None”: Meaning the staff member will not be allowed to view and/or edit attendance records.
    • “View”: Indicates that the staff member has permission to view attendance records but does not have access to edit them.
    • “Full”: The staff member has full permissions to view and/or edit attendance records.

    Attendance Permissions for the Staff Portal

    • “Excuse Absences In Staff Portal”: ONLY affects the Staff Portal. 
    • “See All Classes/Camps In Staff Portal”: ONLY affects the Staff Portal.

    Additionally, the second part of this update (which is also in regards to the Attendance view and Staff Portal) is that the permission label previously named “Allow Editing of All Classes/Camps Attendance in Office Portal” is now named “See All Classes/Camps Attendance in Office Portal”. Although the label has a new name, it functions the same as before. 

    Attendance Permission

    • “See All Classes/Camps Attendance in Office Portal”: This permission allows for “None” or “Full” permission settings. When set to “Full”, this setting allows a user to see all staff/class attendance regardless of the instructor assigned to the class. When set to “None”, the instructor/user can only view attendance for classes in which they’re assigned. 

    Learn more about these expanded permissions over on our Knowledgebase!

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