Updated Policy Handling with Family Merges
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  • Updated Policy Handling with Family Merges

    May 03, 2021

    We have improved the Family Merge process to ensure your customers have the ability to see which guardians have accepted various versions of policies. This will enable your customers to make an informed decision when determining who will be the primary guardian on the merged account moving forward. This also ensures that after the merge, all policies have been accepted by the new primary guardian as opposed to transferring previous acceptance.

    Along with this update, we have simplified the process of merging a student. Now when a student is merged, the new primary guardian will be prompted to re-accept all policies which confirms that everything is both correct and up to date. This also ensures that you have on record that the current primary guardian is the one who has authorized the policies for the student.

    Learn more about the updates to family merges and family merge best practices over on our Knowledgebase.

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