Skills Grid View Enhancements
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  • Skills Grid View Enhancements

    February 07, 2020

    We gave the Skills Grid View a facelift making it more efficient and reliable and giving it the ability to perform at higher speeds! Some of the enhancements include:

    • Showing more details when viewing the grid at a glance.
    • Scheduling start dates and due dates for students at specific levels and events. This important information can be seen by your coaches and can help direct them when instructing students.
    • The ability to see levels and events associated with a skill along with the date passed. 
    • Adding several filters which will help limit the number of students shown on the grid.  (Click the “Skill Filters” option in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to apply these filters.)



    Learn more about this update over on our Knowledgebase: Evaluating Students from the Admin Portal and Evaluating Skills thru the Staff Portal

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