Point of Sale Updates
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  • Point of Sale Updates

    October 04, 2019

    We have updated Point of Sale to include some highly requested features!

    Point of Sale is now compatible with your barcode scanners and supports UPC tracking. On the product entry screen, the new UPC field allows barcodes to be manually entered or scanned on the product entry. In the POS window, the “Enter UPC” field allows you to manually enter a UPC or scan it with your barcode reader. The “Start Camera Scanning" option will allow you to scan the item(s) to be purchased with your webcam instead.

    We have also added the ability to open and view charges/payments for a particular purchase within the purchases view.

    In Point of Sale, you now have the ability to return a purchase. This action refunds the customer and places the items back in inventory.

    Lastly, cost of goods tracking has now been added to the variation/location level so that you can track costs more accurately.

    Learn more over on our knowledgebase:
    Setup/Maintaining Inventory (POS) 
    Making a Purchase (POS) 
    Reporting/Reviewing Purchases (POS)

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