New iClassPro Live Permission Setting
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  • New iClassPro Live Permission Setting

    April 12, 2021

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve added a new permission setting to iClassPro Live that will help your staff work more efficiently when streaming classes!

    Previously, in iClassPro Live, if a staff member’s "View Any Live Stream" permission level was set to "None", then it was not possible to "Stop" a class stream since the staff member would be unable to retrieve the stream. To resolve this dilemma and to help streamline iClassPro Live permissions for your staff, we have replaced the "View Any Live Stream" and "Stop Any Live Stream" permissions with a single "Control Any Live Stream".

    “Control Any Live Stream” permissions include:

    • "None": Meaning the staff member will not have permissions to control Live streams
    • "View": Indicates that the staff member will only have permissions to “View” Live streams
    • "Full": The staff member has full permissions to “View” or “Stop” Live streams

    Please note that updates have not been made to the "Manage Any Live Stream" option.

    To learn more about the new “Control Any Live Stream” permission setting and other iClassPro Live permissions, hop on over on our Knowledgebase!

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