NEW Discount Setting
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  • NEW Discount Setting

    March 25, 2021

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve added a new “Ignore Overridden Tuitions When Calculating Discounts” setting under Settings>Setup>Class Settings>General Class Settings.

    Enabling the setting will force the system to ignore any enrollments with tuition overrides when calculating discounts. If left disabled, the system will calculate a price based on [Override / # of timeslots or hours in billing period] if the class bills hourly or by timeslot.

    If the class bills monthly, the system will charge the flat tuition override (minus any proration if the “Enable Start Date / End Date Proration For Overridden Tuition” or “Enable Blackout Dates For Overridden Tuition” options are enabled).

    Please note that the setting will be disabled by default.

    For more information about the discount setting, click here, and for questions about how to set up discount schedules, click here. To learn more about class setting options, click here.

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