Mass Messaging Tools
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  • Mass Messaging Tools

    March 19, 2020

    It’s more important than ever for you to keep your customers up-to-date with facility announcements, and what better way to do so than with mass messaging tools available to you through iClassPro!

    • Email blast
    • Mobile app push notifications
    • News and Announcements section of your Parent Portal
    • Text/SMS Messaging and Voice Broadcast Messages

    See below for how to use these communication tools.


    Email Blasts

    From the family, student, classes, camps or staff pages, open the “Email Blast” window by first selecting who you want to email from the list, then clicking the email button as shown below.

    Now, from the Email Blast window, you can type your text, upload images and/or attachments to spruce up your message. Note: Prebuilt email templates are also available.
    Mobile App Push Notifications
    From the family, student, classes, camps or staff pages, open the “Send Push Notification” window by first selecting who you want to notify from the list, then clicking the push notification button as shown below.​

    Now, you can enter the message you wish to send, then click “Send”. As long as the families you selected have the iClassPro App installed and have allowed notifications from the app, they will receive the message on their phone.


    News and Announcements
    To compose an announcement, the user will access the User Panel and then select the “News and Announcements” link.


    This will not appear if the staff member does not have page access to this feature. Now, you can enter your title, body copy and upload an image. Your parents will be able to see these announcements within your Parent Portal.


    Text/SMS Messaging SMS and Voice Broadcast Messages
    To set up this service for the first time, the user will access the User Panel and then select Settings > Set up > General Settings > Text/SMS & Voice. You must have payment information on file in your iClassPro account to set up a number and purchase credits for messaging. (Payment information can be entered under Settings > Billing Information). Fees apply and vary by country.
    After enabling text messages on the family's page and purchasing Text/SMS credits, the process is simple.

    From the family, students or staff page, use filters to narrow your search results to the intended recipients of the message.
    Once the customers are selected, click either the “Text/SMS” icon (left) or the “Voice Broadcast” icon (right) at the bottom of the screen.

    Please note: In order to send out mass Text/SMS and/or Voice Broadcast, staff members must have the "Mass Text" task permission enabled.

    Head over to our Knowledgebase for more information on our mass communication tools.

    You can also click here to view our free webinar! 

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