Makeup Tokens: Easy and Convenient
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  • Makeup Tokens: Easy and Convenient

    June 02, 2020

    By now, many of you have either reopened your business or are gearing up to reopen in coming weeks. We are so excited because this means you can start offering summer-programming which may include summer camps, mini camps, classes, and more!

    We know you all experienced class cancellations over the last few months so we’d like to remind you about the convenience of Makeup Tokens and how they can be utilized as an alternative to offering class refunds.

    Makeup tokens are virtual tokens that you can issue to your customers accounts with your desired expiration date. Parents access them through their account within the Customer Portal and can then apply them towards classes. It’s that simple!

    Have questions about makeup tokens or need help configuring them? See below!

    Makeup Tokens Articles

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