Makeup Tokens: An Alternative To Refunds
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  • Makeup Tokens: An Alternative To Refunds

    March 17, 2020

    With all of the news about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are learning that some of our customers are temporarily closing their facility or facilities. For those who are experiencing temporary closures, we’d like to remind you about the convenience of Makeup Tokens and how they can be utilized as an alternative to offering class refunds. 

    Makeup tokens provide a way for you to mass cancel classes and issue tokens that can be exchanged for a makeup type enrollment.
    How to Mass Cancel Classes

    • From the "Classes" page, select the classes.
    • Click the “Mass Cancel” icon at the bottom of the screen.
    • Choose the cancellation date.
    • (Optional) Select to send an Email Notification to families. The email sent will use the template under Settings > Setup > General > Settings > iClassPro > Class Cancelled

    Create Corresponding Makeup Tokens

    Click “Create Makeup Tokens".

    • Set an expiration date and if the tokens should override your makeup token limit.
    • (Optional) Enable “Send token notification emails”. The email sent will use the template under Settings > Setup > General Settings > iClassPro > New Makeup Token Created. 

    Click “Yes” to complete the cancellation process and perform any selected tasks. You will receive a confirmation message of class cancellations. If there are any exceptions they will be noted:


    Head over to our Knowledgebase for more information on Class Cancellations and Makeup Tokens.

    You can also click here to view our free webinar!

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