Is it time for an upgrade?
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  • Is it time for an upgrade?

    October 20, 2020

    We want you to get the most out of your iClassPro apps and portals, so we’ve compiled a list of recommendations for you to consider when it comes time to replace your device.

    If the phones or tablets that you are using to run your business are so old that the manufacturer is no longer issuing the latest operating system for your device, it is likely time to consider an upgrade. An outdated operating system can mean you’re missing out on important bug fixes, security enhancements, and some of your most needed apps and websites may have also stopped working properly.

    Choosing what device is right for your school can be overwhelming and with all the choices out there, how can you be sure you’re choosing the right technology?

    When it comes to replacing devices, it can be tempting to settle for used or older (and cheaper) models. However, these won’t last you as long as newer models will. It’s important to always keep in mind that apps and websites depend on your operating system, memory, and storage capacity to work correctly as it takes a substantial amount of RAM to run correctly. When your device doesn’t have much RAM, has a slow processor, or an outdated operating system, many things, including iClassPro, will not work correctly. 

    iClassPro does not recommend specific brands of hardware (such as Apple over Windows, or iOS devices over Android). However, we do have some suggestions of what to keep in mind  when the time comes to replace your device.

    We want you to get the most out of your iClassPro apps and portals so we invite you to check out our hardware recommendations. Click here.

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