Promote Your Business With eGift Cards
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  • Promote Your Business With eGift Cards

    February 04, 2021

    eGift Cards are an awesome option that allows your customers to support you and share your business with potential new customers!

    eGift Cards are free to use, never expire, and can be purchased by anyone, anytime right from your customer portal or from the front desk. That’s right! eGift Cards can not only be purchased by your customers but they can be bought by anyone and gifted to anyone for special occasions such as birthdays or gifts of appreciation.

    And eGift Cards are not only for tuition! eGift Cards can be used to purchase anything anytime from your ProShop. This makes eGift Cards a great way to keep business going in the slow seasons.

    Learn more about how to start selling eGift Cards over on our Knowledgebase.

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