How to Effectively Market Your NEW Customer Portal
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  • How to Effectively Market Your NEW Customer Portal

    June 18, 2020

    As many of you know, iClassPro recently announced an amazing new Customer Portal but in case you missed it, click here! For those of you who have already set it up you might be asking yourself, "Now what?" The answer is – you need to actively market it to your customers! In doing so, you and your customers stand to gain the most value from this amazing feature!

    Check out these tips on how to effectively market your Customer Portal to your customers.

    1. Incorporate your portal into your website.
    Integrating your Customer Portal into your website can ensure your customers know that this self-service option is available to them. Consider incorporating the portal login into the top navigation of your website so that it’s accessible from any web page. 

    2. Encourage your customers to access your Customer Portal via the iClassPro App or your Branded Mobile App.
    Available at the tap of an icon, the iClassPro App or Branded Mobile App allows your customers to have quicker, more convenient access to your facility and their information while on the go. Incorporating one of these apps into your marketing plan gives your clients more service options as well as builds your reputation as a modern business.

    Interested in learning about the iClassPro App or Branded Mobile App? Learn more!

    3. Send an email to announce your new portal.
    Use the email blast tool within iClassPro to announce or remind your customers about your Customer Portal.

    Not familiar with sending email blasts in iClassPro? Learn how!

    4. Promote your Customer Portal via your social media page.
    Social media is a great way to communicate with your customers. So be sure to use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms to announce your portal, promote its benefits and provide ongoing conversation about its availability to increase customer engagement. You can also regularly post about the portal on social media as a way to entice new customers to use the portal.

    5. Create a handout for your customers.
    Creating a handout and having it readily available for your customers is just another way to help spread the word about your Customer Portal. Important key benefits to highlight to your customers are:

    • Easy Online Bill Pay
    • Convenient Class Booking
    • View Timely News and Annoucements

    ​​​Be sure to include a link to your portal or consider incorporating a Quick Response (QR) code on your handout for customers to easily scan with their cell phone or tablet. Using a QR code can be very handy because it can directly link to your portal login page.

    6. Add content to your promotional brochures.

    Having your very own dedicated Customer Portal is a unique selling point for any facility and is definitely worth bragging about. So be sure to list your Customer Portal as a key feature of your facility.

    We hope you find these Customer Portal marketing ideas beneficial. Remember, marketing your Customer Portal is an on-going process that requires consistent use of the marketing tools listed above. 

    Please note that the Customer Portal will replace the legacy Parent Portal on July 28, 2020. For assistance making the switch, please feel free to contact our knowledgeable support team.

    Keep meaning to switch to the new Customer Portal but just don't have time? Have you made the switch but want to try a different design? We can help! Learn more!

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