Expanded Editing Abilities for Admin Staff
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  • Expanded Editing Abilities for Admin Staff

    April 07, 2021

    Some of your most essential staff members are those whom you have entrusted full permissions within the iClassPro application. As it is our goal to equip your staff with the tools they need to do their job well, we have made some staff permissions improvements to help your admin team do their job even better!

    As always, staff with full permissions access or admin access can edit other staff members’ profile details. Now, in addition, those same staff members can also edit details on their personal profiles. Updates can be made to areas such as:

    • Profile Picture
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Password and Reset Password Buttons
    • Bio / Resume
    • Addresses
    • Phone Numbers
    • Emails

    Details that full permissions/admin access staff members can still no longer modify on their personal profiles include: 

    • Time Clock Entries
    • Hire Date
    • Release Date
    • Role
    • Login Information (Status, Username)

    For more information about editing staff permissions, head over to our Knowledgebase.

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