Enhanced Roll Sheet Report
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  • Enhanced Roll Sheet Report

    March 23, 2021

    As a teacher or coach, we know you are always looking for new ways to enhance your roll sheets. So to help you gain more insight about the students coming in your doors on a day-to-day basis, we’ve expanded roll sheet reporting fields to make taking attendance even more robust. 

    Report enhancements include new columns for:

    • “Last Skill Level Passed”
    • “Attendance Since Last Level Passed”
    • “Extra Row for Maximum Number of Students”

    In addition to improvements made to the Roll Sheet Report (CLA-4), we have also enhanced the layout to boost comprehension and readability. So when “Order by Instructor” is selected, you can add an option to “Page Break After Each Instructor” (currently only “Class” is supported).

    All of these updates mean that it is easier than ever to break down and analyze all of the data that your coaches, teachers and, other staff are recording on a daily basis. 

    To learn more about our Roll Sheet Report, hop on over to our knowledgebase.

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