Enhanced Rejected eCheck Handling
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  • Enhanced Rejected eCheck Handling

    May 04, 2021

    We have enhanced our eCheck payment processing and ledger reporting to work more efficiently for you and your staff!

    eChecks are a form of payment that uses a customer's bank routing and account numbers to take a payment directly from their bank account. When a customer makes a payment in the form of an eCheck, the iClassPro system treats the eCheck as if it is approved and does not process the payment for up to a few days later. So previously, if the bank returns or declines the eCheck, ledgers would require a manual adjustment by a member of your staff.

    Now, for payments made in the form of an eCheck, iClassPro will check daily with the gateway to see if the eCheck has been declined. If an eCheck payment fails, it will be voided and marked as "Returned" on the ledger. The payment will then be unapplied from the corresponding charge which will result in the charge showing as due again.

    To help you monitor your eChecks, we have added a Status field to the ledger views in the  Office Portal and Customer Portal.

    • Approved or Completed: Designates a successful payment.
    • Pending - Means a payment has been submitted but has not yet been settled.
    • Failed - Signifies that a payment was declined by the processor or gateway.
    • Returned - Means that an eCheck payment that was returned by the bank.

    With these updates, we have added a "Returned Payments Report (FIN-23)." This report shows returned eCheck payments within a specified time frame. The report includes the Return Date, Original Payment Date, Guardian Name, Title of the Payment, Reason for Decline/Return, and Payment Amount.

    Please note that all financial reports have been updated to account for declined eChecks so that nothing requires manual adjustments.

    To learn more about the new eCheck handling process, click here.

    For more information on the new FIN-23 Report, click here.

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