Embed Videos in News & Announcements
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  • Embed Videos in News & Announcements

    March 24, 2020

    We’ve updated the “News & Announcements” section of the Parent Portal to give you the option to embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo.

    Adding videos to this section will help your business communicate essential information to your customers in fun and exciting ways! Creative ways to use videos in the “News and Announcements” section include:

    • Workout videos: Keep your kids moving with workout videos from their favorite coach.
    • Class highlight: Use B-roll or photos to create a fun highlight of a class.
    • Highlight staff members: Introduce your customers to staff with interviews of your coaches and other key employees.
    • Promotions: Have a Pro Shop, offering a new class or want to rent a party room? Create video campaigns to tell your customers about various facility offerings.

    Learn more about embedding videos over on our Knowledgebase.

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