New Business Information Field & Enhanced Photo Policy Indicator and Warning
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  • New Business Information Field & Enhanced Photo Policy Indicator and Warning

    August 13, 2021

    Get Specific with the New Business Information Field

    We’ve added a new business information field in Settings called “Legal Name of Corporation, Partnership, or Other Entity.”  If this information is added, it will be displayed on the receipts that your business receives from iClassPro. This information will not be seen by your customers but rather can be used for accounting purposes.

    This new setting can be found under “Settings” and “Business Information.”



    Enhanced Photo Policy Indicator and Warning

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve enhanced the behavior of the red warning indicator dot that appears next to the student photo in the Staff Portal when the "Photo Waiver" policy is active under Settings > Policies > Student. Updates to this indicator will help your employees know at a glance whether the family has not responded to the photo policy or has declined the policy.

    Currently, a red warning dot indicator only appears next to the student photo if their "Photo Waiver" policy has not been completed. To improve clarity, the red warning indicator dot will now appear when your staff members are not permitted to take a photo of the child (both when the “Photo Waiver” policy has not been answered or the policy is declined).

    To accompany this update, we’ve also revised the warning message on the student photo to give the specific reason why the indicator is appearing. This message will be updated to read:

    "Student has not responded to the photo policy" - Will show this if the policy has not been answered at all.

    "Student has declined the photo policy" - Will show this if the policy has been answered but was rejected.

    We’re so excited about these time-saving photo policy updates because they eliminate the need to pull reports or run filters on the back end to see if a student can or cannot be photographed. And, if family preferences change, the policies can be easily modified by the parent or guardian in the Customer Portal which would then trigger the presence or absence of the red indicator.

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