Tuition Override Improvements
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  • Tuition Override Improvements

    July 19, 2022

    Tuition overrides just got easier with a new setting in the Office Portal. With this update, your staff can choose how Tuition Overrides are used when calculating a student's final base tuition price, which can either be configured as a flat-rate price (maintaining current behavior) or based on the class billing structure (i.e., used as an hourly, timeslot, or flat-rate price depending on how the class is configured to bill).

    The new setting will be located under SETTINGS > SETUP > CLASS SETTINGS > GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS for "Tuition Override Behavior," giving you the convenience to choose one of the following options:

    #1: Apply Tuition Override as a flat-rate price

    • This will be the default option to maintain current behavior.
    • If enabled, the Tuition Override amount will be used as the flat-rate price for the class.

    ​​#2: Apply Tuition Override based on class billing structure

    • If enabled, the Tuition Override amount will be used in place of the tuition assigned to the class
    • This means that if the class bills hourly/timeslot, the Tuition Override price will be charged per hour/timeslot. If flat-rate billing is used, then the tuition override amount will be used as the flat-rate price.

    To learn more about Class Settings options, hop on over to our Knowledgebase. For questions about this update, check out the Release Notes here.    

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