Skill Evaluation Improvements
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  • Skill Evaluation Improvements

    March 30, 2022

    We’ve added new filter options to skill evaluation views making it easier to locate students who have not been evaluated recently. This will help ensure that students needing to be evaluated are done so on a regular basis.

    Improvements will be noticed in the skill evaluation views in the Office Portal and Staff Portal/Staff Portal App as outlined below.

    When using the "Grid View" for skill evaluations in the Office Portal and Staff Portal/Staff Portal App

    • ​There is an additional filter option for "Not Evaluated Within the Past 'X' Days." If enabled, staff will be able to specify the number of days to limit results only to students with no record of a skill evaluation within that time frame.

    ​From the "Skill Tracking" view in the Staff Portal/Staff Portal App

    • There is a new filter option under the "Advanced" filters for "Students Not Evaluated." If enabled, staff will be able to specify the number of days to limit results only to classes with students enrolled that have no record of a skill evaluation within that time frame. If the grid evaluation view is launched with this filter applied, the "Not Evaluated Within the Past 'X' Days" filter will automatically be applied to the grid.

    For more information about this feature enhancement, check out one of the below Knowledgebase articles! 

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