Roll Sheet Report Updates: New Viewing Capabilities & the Expiration of the Legacy Report
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  • Roll Sheet Report Updates: New Viewing Capabilities & the Expiration of the Legacy Report

    November 23, 2021

    To make viewing student details on the Roll Sheet Report (CLA-4) easier, we’ve added four new convenient report settings that will allow you to create a condensed version of the report if you desire. 

    New report settings are:

    • Condensed Format: If enabled, this option reduces spacing and header font sizes to allow for more entries per sheet.
    • Inline Header: If enabled, this option puts class details such as the schedule and instructor names on a single line instead of in multiple columns (which generally increases the amount of space needed to display the information)
    • Repeat Class Info When Tables Wrap: Will be disabled by default to reduce the amount of space needed to display these elements.
    • Hide Legend: If enabled, this option will hide the "Legend" table that explains each of the possible roll sheet icons that could be displayed.

    All of these new settings mean that it will be easier than ever to break down and analyze all of the data that you want to view about your students. 

    Please note that the Roll Sheet Legacy Report will remain available until Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at which time it will no longer be accessible.

    For details about the Roll Sheet Report updates effective Tuesday, November 23, 2021, click here. To learn more about the Roll Sheet Report, click here. For details about the Roll Sheet Legacy Report, click here

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