Point of Sale & Punch Passes settings are moving!
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  • Point of Sale & Punch Passes settings are moving!

    November 09, 2021

    Point of Sale and Punch Passes settings have a new home and we've also added a new barcode setting!

    We're excited to announce that your staff can now access Point of Sale and Punch Passes from the User Menu. Currently, access to these two features requires permission to the Settings menu, which not all staff members have. So with this update, you can grant specific staff members access to manage most aspects of Point of Sale and/or Punch Passes without having to give them permissions to the full Settings menu.

    Please note that links to the Point of Sale and Punch Pass features will continue to be accessible from the Settings area until December 10, 2021, at which time they will be removed.

    Along with this update, we're adding a new barcode option setting for our Australian and European customers, which will allow them to choose which barcode type(s) they would like to use when scanning via Webcam.

    For more information about these features, check out these Knowledgebase articles:

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