New Zone Management Capabilities
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  • New Zone Management Capabilities

    September 21, 2021

    You now have more control over the newly named Zones! With this enhancement, you can add Zones to Camps and can also set a maximum number of simultaneous uses for each Zone.

    This handy addition prevents overbooking a specific Zone by monitoring the number of classes/camps assigned to a Zone based on the day/time the class or camp is scheduled to take place. And if the maximum number of uses would be exceeded, the system will present a warning. These changes will be noticed in the Office Portal, primarily when creating and editing Zones, creating and editing classes and camps, and when using the QuickEdit or Mass Copy tools.

    Furthermore, we’ve updated the Camps filters and reports so you can filter by this new option.

    These enhancements come with the recent “Room” to “Zone” label update, which renamed the label to “Zone” to better identify any location within your facility where an event (class), and now Camp, is held.

    For details on the label update, click here. To learn more about the new Zone setup options, click here.

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