New Warnings for Billing Schedules & Tuition
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  • New Warnings for Billing Schedules & Tuition

    May 20, 2021

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve added system warnings to improve the process of changing/deleting billing schedules and tuition. This update will improve the functionality of the “Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" setting when enabled for a class.

    Previously, if a billing schedule associated with a class was changed or deleted, inconsistencies would occur with customer billing. To prevent future billing inconsistencies, we have updated the system to provide warnings when the billing schedule you are trying to edit or delete has active enrollments. 

    New warnings include:

    • A class warning will appear when trying to remove a tuition manually or edit a billing schedule manually if any enrollments are still tied to them.
    • A settings warning will appear when trying to remove a tuition from settings or edit a billing schedule from settings that is tied to an active class.
    • If using QuickEdit to alter a billing schedule or tuition, a warning will display if current enrollments would be affected due to the change.

    This feature enhancement will help prevent your staff from editing or deleting a billing schedule without realizing that they are affecting active enrollments.

    Please see below for document links related to the new warnings. 

    How Do I Create/Configure Billing Schedules?
    How Do I Create/Configure Tuitions and Tuition Schedules?
    How Do I Use the Classes Quick Edit Tool?
    How Do I Create/Edit Classes

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