New Settings for Same-Day Enrollments
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  • New Settings for Same-Day Enrollments

    June 14, 2021

    As many of you know, some customers wait until the first day of class or camp to sign up and as a result, miss the first day. This can be quite the headache because by default, same-day enrollments within iClassPro are charged for the class or camp on the day of enrollment even if the class or camp is already over for the day.

    To resolve this, we've added two new enrollment settings that will allow you to control how same-day enrollments are charged. The new settings are:

    • For Classes: "Allow enrollments up to a maximum of 'X' minutes BEFORE/AFTER class start time" 
    • For Camps: "Allow enrollments up to a maximum of 'X' minutes BEFORE/AFTER camp start time" 

    With either of these new enrollment settings specified, you can prevent charging same-day enrollments for the missed day.

    Here’s an example: If the setting is set to only allow enrollments 5 minutes before the class or camp start time, then customers who register during or after the class start-time will not be charged for the day they registered but rather, the charge date will be forced to the next class or camp date. 

    To learn more about these new settings, check out these helpful Knowledgebase articles:
    Configuring Camp Registration/Enrollments
    Configuring Class Registration/Enrollments

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