NEW! Promo codes for trial enrollments!
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  • NEW! Promo codes for trial enrollments!

    July 08, 2021

    We understand how important it is for you to stand above the competition and what better way to do so than by using trial enrollments to help entice new customers to check out your facility.

    One way to achieve this is to offer Promo Codes that can be applied to Trial-Type enrollments. So we've added a fourth Promo Code Type called "Trial" which is extremely beneficial for tracking trial enrollments! Not only does this allow you to better track your marketing campaigns by giving you the ability to assign specific Promo Codes to offer a free trial class but it also stores the enrollment for reporting purposes.

    Additionally, we've updated how the Customer Portal handles Promo Codes by adding the ability to use the Promo Code directly in the URL. Now, potential customers don't even need to enter the Promo Code in the shopping cart! Promo code-specific URLs automatically limit the class results to show only classes associated with that Promo Code. So when the customer adds an enrollment to their shopping cart, the system will automatically add the appropriate Promo Code.

    These code-specific URLs can even be encoded as a QR Code! That way trial potential customers can simply scan the code on a flyer and view enrollments associated with the promotion.

    To learn more about these awesome promo code enhancements, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

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