New & Noteworthy Updates
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  • New & Noteworthy Updates

    February 22, 2023

    Can you believe we’re almost at March already ? Time sure flies when you’re knee deep in exciting projects! In case you’ve missed it, here’s a quick summary of recent, noteworthy iClassPro updates that will help you level up the way you run your business and operations.

    New Welcome Page: This new feature puts online activity, recent updates and key metrics at your fingertips! With new widgets and faster loading times, it’s a completely elevated login experience. Check it out now by selecting the iClassPro logo at the upper left of the software, then click on ‘Welcome’ . Learn more

    Appointments Feature Enhancements: Our new Appointments feature helps you manage one-time and recurring private lessons or coaching to further elevate your business. We’ve added a number of enhancements listed below to make this an even better feature experience:

    • New tax exempt setting
    • Assign keywords to appointments
    • Appointments incorporated into Programs widget
    • Appointments as separate items on the Family Annual Receipts Report (FIN-15)
    • Appointment Booking Request Emails now editable in templates 
      Learn more...

    Audit Log Updates: Searching Audit Log results to find more relevant entries is now easier than ever. Improvements made to the Office Portal Audit Log not only allows for a quicker search experience but can help your staff better understand updates or changes with the ability to view additional details to your entries. Learn more…

    New Online Activity Task Permission: Enables your staff to have more control over which staff members can process online activity. Learn more

    Enhanced Duplicate Family Checking: New family windows in the Office Portal will now warn staff of existing family matches based on email or phone number. Learn more

    Point of Sale Charges: Staff can now update past purchase records to add missed discounts or promo codes. Learn more

    To think, these are just some of the updates from the past two months. Stay tuned, iClassPro has more exciting features and enhancements coming to continue helping you and your staff take your business to the next level.

    TIP: For a more detailed list of updates and enhancements, be sure to check our Changelog here. Hit ‘Subscribe’ on the upper right hand corner to receive real time Changelog notifications.

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