New Look & Enhanced Class Reports
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  • New Look & Enhanced Class Reports

    September 23, 2021

    To help you gain more insight into your classes, we’ve enhanced the below class reports to provide you with additional powerful reporting abilities. Please note that each updated report will have a legacy report version available through October 22, 2021.

    Enhancements and Reports Include:

    • A cleaner report layout
    • Selected filter options
    • Saving preset filters
    • Defining a report date range (currently, you can only set a single "As of Date")
    • Selecting specific Day(s) of the Week to limit the report to selected day(s)
    • Limiting results by specific types

    CLA-1 Class List Report - Learn more
    CLA-1L Class List Report (Legacy) - Learn more
    CLA-2 Customer Class List Report - Learn more
    CLA-2LCustomer Class List Report (Legacy) - Learn more
    CLA-8 Special Enrollments Report - Learn more
    CLA-8L Special Enrollments Report (Legacy) - Learn more 
    CLA-9 New Enrollments List Report - Learn more
    CLA-9L New Enrollments List Report (Legacy) - Learn more
    CLA-10 Roll Sheet Labels Report - Learn more
    CLA-10L Roll Sheet Labels Report (Legacy) - Learn more
    CLA-11 Class Roll Not Taken Report - Learn more
    CLA-11L Class Roll Not Taken Report (Legacy) - Learn more
    CLA-12 Absences Report - Learn more
    CLA-12L Absences Report (Legacy) - Learn more

    We are so excited about these updated reports as each and every detail was designed with our customers in mind. As always, we continually work to provide you with the highest-quality product and service to help you get back to doing what you love, and we’re happy that this update will only improve your overall iClassPro experience.

    Please note that the enhancements may vary between reports.

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