New Enrollment Icons and Report
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  • New Enrollment Icons and Report

    May 13, 2021

    Not all new enrollments are created equal!

    You know the “first enrollment” icon that you can enable to show up next to a student's name when it is their first time to attend a class or a session? This icon shows up in the attendance app or in the staff portal for students to let coaches and staff know when it’s a students’ first time attending a class or session.

    But what about different kinds of first enrollments? The first time the student has been enrolled in a class, their first time attending class at a new location, or their first time on a new class level. All of these “firsts” are very different!

    We’ve expanded the “first enrollment” icon to have four variations so that your staff and coaches can easily identify what new enrollment category a student falls into. The new icons are:

    First Enrollment Ever: Indicates that no previous enrollments exist in the database for the student.

    First Enrollment at this Location: This means there are no previous enrollments for the student at the location.

    First Enrollment at this Class Level: Will appear when the student has never been enrolled in a class with the same level.

    First Enrollment in Class/Session: Indicates a student’s first-time enrollment in a specific class or session.

    To accompany these new indicators, we’ve also created a new report, the First Enrollments Report (CLA-20), which provides a list of all four types of first enrollments within a specified date range. The report includes valuable details like Location, Student, Guardian, Enrollment Type, Class, Level, Schedule, Instructor(s), Start Date, Drop Date, Primary Email, and Primary Phone.

    To learn more about the new first enrollment icons, click here. For details about the new CLA-20 report, click here.

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