New Drop Reasons Setting
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  • New Drop Reasons Setting

    November 05, 2021

    We’ve added a new Drop Reasons setting that gives you the ability to either show or hide default system drop reasons to your staff. This new setting will help eliminate confusion for staff members when assigning a Drop Reason to an enrollment.

    The system Drop Reasons are:

    • Transfer
    • End of Session
    • End of Class
    • Class Drops
    • Trial
    • Makeup
    • Single Day

    ​If the setting is enabled, the drop reason drop-down will not display any drop reasons that are automatically assigned by the system. If disabled, the drop reason drop-down will include drop reasons that are automatically assigned by the system.

    These changes will affect the Office Portal only.

    To learn more about Drop Reasons, visit our Knowledgebase.

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