Multiple login capabilities for your customers is here!
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  • Multiple login capabilities for your customers is here!

    June 20, 2022

    iClassPro is excited to announce that we’ve added multiple login capabilities for your customers. This new option gives your customers more flexibility with their account by eliminating the need to share email addresses and passwords between other guardians or anyone needing access to a family account.

    How the feature works:

    • Primary guardians will need to first send an invitation to a secondary user granting them limited access to the account. 
    • The family creation workflow in the Customer Portal will be updated to support creating a user account after receiving an invitation from the primary guardian. 
    • We will be adding a “Family Switcher” to the Customer Portal/Mobile App if the secondary user is connected with multiple families. (Similar to current ability to switch Locations.) 
    • The addition of a "Reset Password" option per email address in the Office Portal.

    Please be aware that staff will have the ability to revoke secondary user access but will not be allowed to grant secondary access. If access is revoked, both the secondary user and primary guardian will be notified via email.

    Essential items to note:

    • During this first stage of development, secondary access for additional guardians will be limited and includes view-only access. This, however, is a building block for great things to come, and we will be opening editing abilities for additional guardians as exciting new features are added.  
    • Mobile users will need to download the latest version of the Mobile/Branded App to be able to log in as a secondary user. 
    • At the first login, secondary users will need to verify that they are 18 years of age or older. They will be unable to continue without confirming this. 
    • All required family/student policies must be accepted by the primary guardian. All secondary users will be blocked from accessing the account if the primary guardian has not agreed to policies.
    • If the primary guardian on the account changes (either due to a family merge or other account changes), all secondary access will be revoked and the new primary guardian will need to issue new invitations.

    To learn more about how a primary guardian can grant secondary access, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

    Click below for step-by-step guidance on how to use this new feature!

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