Introducing the Staff Bio page!
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  • Introducing the Staff Bio page!

    October 05, 2021

    iClassPro is excited to announce that we’ve added a new powerful personalization tool, a Staff Bio page, that can help introduce customers to your team!

    With the new Staff Bio page, you have the opportunity to provide your customers with a more personal experience on your Customer Portal with the addition of information about your school’s team members, including photos, brief bios, instructor certifications, and other credentials.

    If the Staff Bio page is enabled, the option will display a “Staff Bio” page (the title is customizable, but will default to "Meet the Team") and allow you to configure different sections such as "Founders," "Office Staff," "Instructors," etc.

    Along with this new user-friendly feature, we’re also adding the following Customer Portal-related settings to Staff Details:

    • A new Staff permission is being added to grant staff members permission to edit their own "Customer Portal Bio" information from the Staff Portal's "My Profile" screen.
    • Options to “Hide Photo in Customer Portal,” add a Nickname (which will be displayed in place of the actual staff name), and to add a new "Customer Portal Bio" field where you can place information to be displayed on the "Staff Bio" page.
    • A new "Staff" section is being added to Settings > Customer Portal that will allow you to enable and/or configure the "Staff Bio" page for the Customer Portal to create different sections for your Staff page and assign specific Staff members to those sections.​

    ​To learn more about the new Staff Bio page feature, click here

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