Inspiring Gratitude in Your Students
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  • Inspiring Gratitude in Your Students

    November 18, 2021

    Tis the season of giving! But how much are we really expressing gratitude? And how are we encouraging those around us too? Here is a list of some of our favorite ways to encourage your students to be thankful this season.


    Express Your Gratitude
    As a teacher, you know that children learn almost everything by example. Children repeat things that they hear. The more they hear you express gratitude, the more naturally they will express gratitude themselves. So don’t be shy to express gratitude for small day-to-day wins.

    Let your students know that you are thankful for them. Just telling individual students that you are thankful for their attitude, their kindness, or their hard work could mean the world to a student. Handing out thankful certificates is another fun way to reward a student's kindness or attitude. One of our favorite expressions of gratitude was posted by iClassPro customer ASI Gymnastics. They shared on their website the top 10 reasons they are thankful for their students. Gratitude by nature is contagious so spread the love.


    Give Away Gratitude
    Encourage your students to be grateful by giving to those in need. Host a school-wide can drive during the holidays to support homeless shelters, food banks, and soup kitchens. Make a contest out of it to encourage student participation.


    Letters of Gratitude
    Letter writing as a practice has fallen to the wayside. Encourage your students to express their gratitude by randomly assigning classmates to write anonymous “thank you” notes to one another. This is not only a good way to encourage your students to express gratitude but is also a way to put a smile on your student's face when they receive their letter.

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