Improvements to Inactive Classes & Active Enrollments Functionality
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  • Improvements to Inactive Classes & Active Enrollments Functionality

    September 20, 2021

    When a class is no longer Active, it makes sense that the enrollments in that class would also be Inactive. To improve clarity and to make this process easier, Active enrollments are now automatically dropped when making classes Inactive. This update will reconcile enrollment counts within the dashboard and reports to reflect accurate “current enrollment numbers.”

    These changes will improve the accuracy of the information you see in the Office Portal related to student enrollments. And since the system will no longer permit active enrollments in Inactive classes, a family or student's "enrollment" icon should never show as active unless that enrollment is in an Active class.

    We have also added the option to mark specific classes as a "Non-Billable Class." This convenient option gives you the ability to suspend billing for a class on a temporary basis while retaining any enrollments attached to that class.

    To learn more about these changes, check out these new Knowledgebase articles:

    How Do I Make a Class Inactive?
    How Do I Disable Billing for a Class?

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