Improved Charging for Past Enrollments
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  • Improved Charging for Past Enrollments

    March 16, 2022

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve updated the “New Charge” window to make it easier for staff to bill for scenarios where a student may not have been charged for a past enrollment. For example, a circumstance benefitting from this update would be for a single-day camp where the camp has already ended or for a newly created enrollment that has had the start date backdated or otherwise needs to be charged for any reason.

    Updates to the New Charge window include:

    • The addition of an "As Of Date" field when creating charges using the "Camp Tuition" Line Item Type.
    • Updating the behavior so that if the selected Line Item Type is "Class Tuition" or "Camp Tuition" and the customer has past enrollments, a "Bill for Past Enrollment" checkbox option will be displayed.
    • If the "Bill for Past Enrollment" option is NOT selected, there is no change to current behavior, and only current enrollments will be displayed.

    Please note that these changes will be noticed in the Office Portal, specifically the "New Charge" window on the family ledger.

    To learn more about tuition charges, hop on over to our Knowledgebase below. 

    How do I manually create class tuition charges?
    How do I manually create camp tuition charges?

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