Tax-Exempt Setting Announcement
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  • Tax-Exempt Setting Announcement

    December 13, 2021

    As you may recall, in late August, we made it easier and more convenient for you to adjust the tax-exempt status for your classes on a class-by-class basis. This update standardized how the iClassPro application handles tax status across the system and gave you the ability to quickly edit this status for a class with the Class QuickEdit and Mass Copy tools.

    As a result of this update, we plan to remove the old “Tax Exempt” setting under “Transactions” > “Class Tuition Charges” on Mon, Dec 20, 2021.

    Please refer to the below articles for assistance on how to attach a Tax Rate to a Program or Class (or to set a class as non-taxable).

    To learn more about how the Class QuickEdit tool works here, and for details about the  Mass Copy tools, click here.

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