iClassPro Welcomes Product Manager
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  • iClassPro Welcomes Product Manager

    May 20, 2022

    iClassPro is delighted to announce the addition of product manager Barbara Smith. Barbara officially joined the iClassPro team in May, and she is truly an exceptional find in this industry.

    Barbara brings with her an impressive and well-rounded 30-year record in software development and the learn-to-swim industry. She first started working with iClassPro in January 2020 when Splash Swim Software partnered with iClassPro to continue promoting and developing software for organizations across the globe. As an integral member of the team, Barbara has held a leadership role in various technical and stakeholder areas. Additionally, she has been fundamental in supporting clients to utilize business analytics through Power BI, a business intelligence platform that provides users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing data.

    As the Product Manager for iClassPro, Barbara will work closely with the company’s Chief Technical Officer. She will head and manage the software development team and oversee product goals, structure, and product expectations. That also includes the ongoing development of iClassPro software and the advancement of business analytics to support clients.

    On a personal note, Barbara will join our Longview, Texas team from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. She has been married to her wonderfully supportive husband, Dave, for 35 years, and they are the proud parents to 25-year-old triplets. Barbara is an enthusiastic golfer who enjoys an early start to her day with a walk or run.

    We are confident that Barbara will take on her new role and responsibilities with the same enthusiasm, professionalism, and drive that she has given to the industry throughout her impressive career.

    Please join iClassPro in welcoming Barbara to the team!

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