iClassPro Updates (Week of November 8, 2021)
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  • iClassPro Updates (Week of November 8, 2021)

    November 08, 2021

    Nothing like a great cup of joe, a good stretch, and some iClassPro updates to put a smile on your face...

    New Skill Evaluations Setting
    This new setting allows you to add a URL to skill evaluations. Examples are linking to a video or document explaining requirements for how a specific skill should be performed, or a link to a project associated with the skill that is being evaluated.
    Learn more!

    Updates to Assigning Sessions to Monthly Classes

    With this update, we’re automating the process that the iClassPro application uses to ensure enrollments are associated with the proper session.
    Learn more!

    To be notified when these features are live, visit the iClassPro Changelog here!

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