iClassPro Updates (Week of March 21, 2022)
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  • iClassPro Updates (Week of March 21, 2022)

    March 21, 2022

    You take care of the coffee and we’ll take care of the updates. Here’s what’s coming this week…

    New Filters for Family/Student Notes
    We’re enhancing the Family/Student notes display to give you greater control over what is displayed when viewing these notes. Learn more!

    Improved Enrollment Wizard/Makeup Token Workflow
    New option to add a "Start Time" filter when selecting a class to the Enrollment Wizard and Makeup Token workflow in the Office Portal. Learn more!

    Enhanced Filter for Credit/Debit Card
    You can now easily locate customers' credit/debit cards who have expired or will expire. Learn more!

    New Filter for the Class Absence Report
    This handy filter will allow you to omit students with excused absences from the Class Absence Report (CLA-12) report helping you easily see who was not present for class. Learn more!

    Know when these features are live via the iClassPro Changelog. Click here!

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