iClassPro System Maintenance
iClassPro Blog Image for iClassPro System Maintenance
  • iClassPro System Maintenance

    December 16, 2021

    In our best efforts to provide excellent service and optimized application performance to all of our users, we plan to perform iClassPro system maintenance during the non-peak hours of 1 am - 4 am in your respective time zone beginning Mon, December 20, 2021, through January 31, 2022.

    The update for your account will take place on a given day in the provided date range. Please be aware that your account will be inaccessible during your maintenance via the Office Portal and Customer Portal. If an attempt is made to access your account during the maintenance period, a message will display "Down for Maintenance."

    As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our helpful support team here.

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