Get Back to Doing What You Love with Online Registration
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  • Get Back to Doing What You Love with Online Registration

    April 29, 2022

    Do you struggle with long registration lines? Is your front desk staff ever unable to answer incoming calls because they’re tied up registering students over the phone? Or, are you still using lengthy paper forms with hard-to-read handwriting? These struggles are things of the past with easy and convenient online registration!

    Here are our five reasons why you should be using online registration for your school and why you should encourage your customers to use it!

    24/7 Registration

    You know your parents are busy! So don’t lose out on class registrations because mom or dad don't have time to swing by your facility or because they didn’t have time to call before you closed for the evening.

    With online registration, parents can register their kids for classes day or night from the comfort of their couch, bed, or anywhere! 

    Guaranteed Time Saver

    Did you know that online registration can save your front desk staff countless hours of extra work? Entering information and deciphering illegible handwriting can be time-consuming, so why pay your team to be on the phone and ask customers “would you please repeat the spelling of that name one more time?”

    With online registration, you can put your staff where they’re needed most—greeting customers, helping with check-in, sanitizing your facility, and so much more. And parents will love it because they can register for a class anytime at their convenience.

    Helps Eliminate Paperwork

    Why keep a bunch of paper and file folders around the office if you don’t have to? With online registration, adding new customers, signing waivers, and registering for classes can be a completely paperless process!

    Introduce Customers to Your Website

    As you know, a website is a powerful tool that can often act as a one-stop shop for customers. So if you’re already sending your customers to your website for class registration, you should consider adding other essential elements there. 

    How about adding sections for important news and announcements for your business, a link to your ProShop, an option for account updates, and maybe even an area where customers can make online payments. Having a range of options available for your customers on your website will not only make life easier for them but will also show off how modern and sophisticated you are. 

    Helps Slow the Spread of Germs

    Over the last couple of years, we have all become a lot more germ-conscious. With online registration, there is no need for people standing too close in line and germ spreading pens since customers can register from the convenience of their home!

    As you can see, online registration can be an invaluable asset to your business, and we hope you consider utilizing it if you aren’t already. We promise that once you try it, you’ll have more time to get back to doing what you love, and your staff will have time to be even more productive. Oh, and did we mention your parents will LOVE it! 

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