Follow us on social media for important updates!
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  • Follow us on social media for important updates!

    August 25, 2022

    Are you connected with us on social media? If not, we would love for you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTubeConnecting with us on social media means you’ll receive helpful tips for using our software, up-to-date news on the latest iClassPro feature releases, the occasional chance to win a prize, and so much more!

    We also invite you to join our iClassPro Facebook Users Forum - a place where new and seasoned iClassPro users can connect, collaborate, share best practices for using our software, as well as discuss industry related topics.
    Please remember though, social media is not an ideal place for iClassPro to offer support to our users as we are unable to ask for the account details needed to help troubleshoot your questions. If you need help with our application, please reach out to our support team by clicking here.

    We love hearing from you, so we hope you will connect with us on one or all of our social media channels. Drop by to say “hi” to us and/or “like” our posts on any of our social media channels to let us know you stopped by!

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