Expanded “All Drop Months” Filter & New Name
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  • Expanded “All Drop Months” Filter & New Name

    May 24, 2021

    As you know, iClassPro offers a wide range of filter options to help you customize your view from your Students page. One filter in particular, the “All Drop Months'' filter, has traditionally provided you with a list of students who dropped a class on a month-by-month basis which limited you to look at drops from say - June 15 to July 15. 

    While this handy filter has proven to be very useful, we wanted to expand its functionality even more to give you the ability to select a specific date range if needed. So whether you’re wanting to view one, two, or even three months, we’ve got you covered! With this update, we have also renamed the “All Drop Months” to “All Drop”.

    And if this wasn’t exciting enough, we’ve also expanded the filter to allow you to choose the specific kind of drops you would like to view: “All”, “Drop”, or “Transfer”.

    To learn more about this convenient update, visit our Knowledgebase.

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