Expand Your Customer Base with a Lead Form
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  • Expand Your Customer Base with a Lead Form

    August 11, 2021

    We all know what it’s like to put an item in a checkout cart but only to abandon it because something about it didn’t meet our needs. So, wouldn’t it be great to know know what prevented them from completing the checkout process for your class or camp?

    If this is info you’d like to know, then you’ll LOVE iClassPro’s new Lead Form! The Lead Form is a way for your customers and potential customers to submit certain questions or requests to you that may help you better understand their needs.

    When enabled, the Lead Form will be accessible to your customers from the class list on the Customer Portal and Mobile App. It will look something like this:

    And you can customize the Lead Form to gain insights about your customers' needs! Here’s an example of what the Lead Form looks like. In this example, potential customers can request specific class times that may not be offered by your facility. 

    When customers submit your Lead Form, you’ll receive an email to the designated email contact(s) as determined by you. You’ll want to follow up with these leads as soon as possible so that you don’t lose the potential business.  

    All in all, our new Lead Form setting offers you a simple way to learn more about customers' needs. To learn more, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

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