Enhanced Waitlist Management Workflow
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  • Enhanced Waitlist Management Workflow

    April 27, 2022

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve improved the waitlist management workflow to function more efficiently by getting rid of the "Enrollment Type" drop-down in the Enrollment Wizard when launched via the "Approve Waitlist Enrollment" option.

    This valuable update prevents staff from changing the enrollment type in the Enrollment Wizard when it’s launched via the "Approve Waitlist Enrollment" option. The enhancement also resolves instances where families might have received the incorrect confirmation email for a non-recurring enrollment type.

    To learn more about waitlist actions that can be performed on the Enrollments page, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

    Please note that if staff need to create a non-recurring enrollment for a student that is on a waitlist, a new enrollment for that enrollment type should be created instead. Then, if the “wait” enrollment is no longer needed, it can be dropped.

    For details on how to create a new enrollment, click here.

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