Enhanced Enrollments from Classes Page
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  • Enhanced Enrollments from Classes Page

    May 07, 2021

    Have you noticed that the Classes page has a fresh new icon?

    This cute little icon is not the only new part of the Classes page as we have also expanded the functionality of enrollments within the page. Among other things, this enhancement allows you to simplify how you view various types of enrollments. 

    And as always, you can view everything from the “All Enrollments” tab on the Classes page! Also, checkout the new tabs for various enrollment types: “Active Enrollments”, “Future Active Enrollments”, “Trials”, and “Single Day”. These new Enrollment tabs provide a better picture of your enrollment makeup and ensure that your staff has all of the information they need to prepare for both now and the future.

    Learn more about the recent Enrollments enhancements and the all-new Enrollments page here.
    And for any questions related to our classes page click here.

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