Enhanced Early Bird Discount Feature
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  • Enhanced Early Bird Discount Feature

    June 27, 2022

    We’ve updated how Early Bird Discounts are applied to an account and how they are displayed in both the Office Portal and Customer Portal.

    Previously, Early Bird Discounts were included at the time the charge was created and the charge would be later increased if the Early Bird cutoff date passed without a payment being applied. So with this update, the iClassPro application will instead record the full amount of the charge at the time it is created and then automatically reduce the charge amount when a payment is applied before the Early Bird cutoff date. Please note that notifications display to staff members and customers alerting them to potential discounts if a charge is paid prior to the cutoff date.

    This update will ensure that only customers who fully pay the amount due by the specified Early Bird date receive the discount. Customers who do not pay anything at all or only pay a partial amount will still be responsible for the full amount owed.

    Additionally, we’ve also updated the Office Portal payment and ledger views, Customer Portal/Mobile App views, and statements to ensure the number of potential discounts is visible to customers so they are incentivized to pay on time. The Category List Report (FIN-6) will also be revised to add an "Early Bird Discount" column to reflect any discounts given for early payment.

    To learn more about Early Bird Discounts, hop on over to our Knowledgebase here.  

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