Easier Editing of Instructors on Classes/Camps
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  • Easier Editing of Instructors on Classes/Camps

    May 04, 2022

    Delays or timeouts when populating a large number of active instructors are now a thing of the past! With this awesome update, staff will notice that the system will now load a maximum of 100 instructors at a time and allow search functionality to locate and select instructors who may not appear in those results. As instructors are selected, they will be moved to the top of the list, and additional instructors will be listed below.

    These changes will be noticed in the Office Portal only when creating or editing classes/camps using one of the following methods:

    • Edit classes
    • Edit camps
    • Quick edit for classes
    • Mass copy for classes

    To learn more about editing classes or camps, visit the links below.

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