Camp Enrollment Report: New Look & Enhanced Reporting
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  • Camp Enrollment Report: New Look & Enhanced Reporting

    July 28, 2021

    To help you gain more insight into your camps, we’ve enhanced the Camp Enrollment Report (CAM-2) to provide you with additional powerful reporting abilities!

    Report enhancements include:

    • A cleaner report layout
    • Selected filter options
    • Saving preset filters
    • Defining a report date range (currently, you can only set a single "As of Date")
    • Selecting specific Day(s) of the Week to limit the report to only camps that meet on selected day(s)
    • Limiting results by specific Instructors or Camp Types

    NOTE: We are so excited about the updated Camp Enrollment Report; however, the original Camp Enrollment Report (Camp Enrollment Report (Legacy), CAM-2L) will be available until Wed, Sept 1, 2021.

    To learn more about the CAM-2 report, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

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