A More Sophisticated Mobile App
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  • A More Sophisticated Mobile App

    July 05, 2022

    We’re excited to announce that the same convenient Point of Sale that you use on your web-based Customer Portal is now available on the iClassPro App! This awesome new feature will not only make it possible for your customers to purchase gear, snacks, and other items you offer through your ProShop, but also allows for the purchase of Punch Passes in the app. 

    Please note that this feature must be enabled in order for customers to access Point of Sale in the iClassPro App or for them to have the ability to purchase Punch Passes via the app.

    • Enabling Point of Sale in the iClassPro App: Go to Settings > Customer Portal > Other  Settings > Point of Sale > ” Enable Point of Sale on Customer Portal”
    • ​Enabling the Purchase of Punch Passes in the iClassPro App: Go to Settings > Customer Portal > Other Settings > Punch Passes > ” Enable Purchase On Customer Portal Point of Sale”

    And to learn more about Point of Sale and the Punch Passes functionality, visit one of our helpful Knowledgebase articles below. 

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