A faster, more efficient calendar!
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  • A faster, more efficient calendar!

    November 03, 2022

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve updated the Calendar view to help your staff work better and more efficiently. With this enhancement, you’ll notice a decreased load time for the Calendar page. 

    We've also changed the behavior of the Calendar buttons to create a new class, camp, or party booking so they will load faster and eliminate the need for staff members to update schedule information after the class/camp has been created.

    As always, we’re excited to bring you a feature enhancement that not only improves your workflow to help you get back to doing what you love but also reinforces the world-class customer experience iClassPro offers.

    For details about this update, check out the feature release notes here. And to learn about how to adjust Calendar Filters on the Calendar Page, hop on over to our Knowledgebase.

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